Yes, It is quite literally a cabbage bowl. Not that I’m against cabbage, in fact I’m quite fond of it in many forms, (cole slaw anyone? egg rolls?) but I can’t for the life of me imagine the need for a life sized ceramic cabbage container. Collectors may differ, but I’ll stick with the Superbowl. Way better parties. (and commercials)

1 comment:
I wish I had seen this when you posted it! This is nearly identical to the one my MIL gave me. We are now trying to identify the markings on the bottom, to see how much it is worth, and SELL IT!! LOL I said the same thing... "What do I do with a life-size cabbage bowl??" You can bet it is NOT coming out at parties!!! On the other hand, we won an ugliest ornament contest with a pickle ornament... maybe we should keep the cabbage for such future events... ;-)
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